Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Welcome, one and all, to my attic.

Okay, I've been wanting for a long time to write a blog but could never find the time to do so(lying through my keyboard. I've just been procrastinating). Now, however, I've finally made time to do what I want to. And that's write. A LOT.
Much of what I write will be focused on one of two things. The first will be a series that I hope to keep up with consistently, which will be the do's and don'ts of Fanfiction writing. I've read a crap-ton of fanfiction in my time, and come across some true treasures. Unbelievable pieces of prose that prove fanfiction writers are not as evil as people say they are. And then...there are the authors of complete crap. They write things that are filled with grammar, spelling, and basic English class mistakes. These pieces of unreadable garbage shows where we of the fanfiction community get our bad reputation from. I would like to write these posts, not because I think I'm somehow better than anyone else, but because I've been wanting to for a long time. That's all. Just some basics that touch on points across the fanfiction spectrum.
I will warn you now. I will be touching on lemon(hentai) fanfiction and tips on how to write those as well. There will be a warning at the beginning of that post as well, so I hold no responsibility for the loss of any one's innocence in the process.
The second thing I will be writing about will be random things that I just happen to have an opinion on. Things such as the Irate Gamer, the state of our country and government, YouTube, etc etc. These things will be my opinion, and not ever (let me repeat: EVER) stated as fact. If someone reading one of my rants decides to take it as if I am saying: "I'm right, and everyone else is wrong!" and comments in such a degree, YOU WILL BE TROLLED. That is the one and only warning I am giving. My rants are not to be taking over-seriously, however, are ment to just make you think.
Troll comments made for little to no reason will be deleted. If anyone has a well thought out arguement against my rants and comments in such a degree, than I will be happy to read and listen to your side. I'll even debate with you, if I have the time. And I mean that literally, for most of my posts will be made from a library near my house and the computers there have one hour time limits for each reservation.
Other than that, I may post other random things. Things that happen in my life that I deem important enough to post(e.i. Not a lot) and random crap.
I hearby thank each and everyone of you in advance. I love people who read and critique things that I write, and this is no different. I just hope anyone who decides to read my blog posts has as much fun with them as I know I will.
Finally, a quick explanation. This blog is titled "The Attic of the Mind". I meant to change that to MY mind, but whatever. It comes from a conversation Dr. Watson had with his flat-mate Sherlock Holmes. After expressing his surprise that Holmes did not know that the earth revolved around the sun, Holmes stated that he would now try his hardest to forget this fact. When Watson asked why, Holmes replied as such:
"Now, my friend. One's mind is like an attic. There is only a finite amount of space in which to store information. Many live in the false belief that they have infinite space in their minds, and when that space is taken up, they start to unwittingly push bits of information out of their attics to make room for new things. Now, my attic is clean, organized and only filled with what is important to me and my occupation. Whether the earth revolves around the sun or not makes not a penny's worth difference to me and my work."
I love that quote. Now, that's not verbatem, so please don't quote me.
Now, with out further ado, let's unlock the door to my attic. Try not to trip and take any space you can find to sit and get comfortable. This is going to take a while. :)